Life planning:5 minutes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Student Success Statement

Together Everyone Achieves More 
Team work is better than working by yourself because when you have team work is more than one so you have more brains. To figure out things faster and better. You can achieve many more things when your in a team you guys, depend on each other. You achieve more. It's accomplishments.

  •  Team work 
  • People 
  • theyre trying to go up the mountain
  • there holding hands
  • there are two woman and two men
  • there wearing clothes 
  • it's sunny
  • there's dirt 
  • they are caring backpacks
  • there is a girl in the front 
  • they are all tall it's in the morning 

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: 
A hospital administrator is usually an individual responsible for the day to day operational running of the health care institution. In addition, the administrator participates in and coordinates the setting of strategic priorities for the direction of the hospital. Specific duties include recruitment and retention of physicians, overseeing quality, improvement of processes for efficient delivery of patient care, setting standards, oversight of budgets, creating financial and business strategies to assure fiscal viability and health. The hospital administrators also become involved in press relations, public and community affairs, grants management, billing, collections, purchasing of equipment and meeting regulatory standards.
Salary: $35,000 - $100,000

The hospital administrations are typical required to hold a master's degree. They are a number of Master of healthcare administration or master of health services administration prgrams that are prepared graduates for a career in a hospital administration. The programs combine business administration and public health training covering the topics such as human resources that are managing. That are organized management. The healthcare financial theory, epidemiology, healthcare policy development. The financial management and the public health administration.
 I wouldn't want to be a healthcare administrator  

Monday, November 18, 2013


" Your mind is a garden your thoughts are the seeds..
You can grow flowers. Or you can grow weeds.."
I think what this quote is trying to say is that whenever you think negative then you won't get anywhere like if you say you can't do it then you won't achieve anything. If you say you can do it you could accomplish anything because your going to be pushing yourself to accomplish what you want.

What's on your mind?

 What's on your mind?
student c.g
soccer practice

Histology Specialist

                                                Histology Specialist
                Histology Specialists include both Histologic Technicians and Histologists.  Histologists are also referred to as Histotechnologists.  Both histologic technicians and histologists prepare tissue samples that are used by physicians to determine if a patient has a disease, dysfunction, or malignancy. Histology technicians and histologists prepare samples by using equipment to thinly slice tissue samples
Average Salary:   
$22,000 - $35,000 

Educational Requirements:
Students should take the most challenging high school courses in science, math, and English.
To become a histologic technician, students must either earn an associate's degree in the field and complete a one year internship or complete a long-term training program in a histopathology lab.  They must also pass a national examination.

Reflection:  No I wouldn’t like to be a histology specialist because I don’t see my self like a histology specialist.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
" A definite worthy goal, combined with a positive mental attitude (PMA), is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement."
Napoleon Hill
Achieve your goals, if you keep a positive attitude you will achieve something but if you just have a negative attitude you won't get anywhere.

Health Information Specialist

                                              Health Information Specialist
Duties and  Responsibilities: The health information specialists obtained, post, and analyze medical, workload, finance and insurance data. They ensure that this is information properly recorded into medical records so practitioners can plan and evaluate health care provided to patients.  The health information specialists work in hospitals , clinics , insurance companies, physician offices, and many other medical settings.
 Salary:   $30,000 - $40,000
Students should take high school courses in business, information management, science, math, and English. Coding specialists must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.  Training is usually conducted on the job, but classes are offered at technical schools and community colleges.  To become certified, specialists must pass an examination.
Answer: I don’t think I would like to be a Health information specialist because I’m not really into Medical things. Well for know.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
What is 
The Strangest Secret in the World
"We become what we think about."
Earl Nightingale 
If you want to achieve your goals like be a doctor or teacher or something you want to be you reach your goals like you do everything possible to achieve your goal. 

Health Educator

                                                         Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Health educators provide information on health and health related issues. They can assess health training needs and plan health education programs. They may specialize according to specific health concerns, illnesses, or work or training setting. Health educators may work as independent consultants or in health departments, community organizations, businesses, hospitals, schools, or government agencies. Health Educators often:
·         Perform health training needs assessments.
·         Design and develop health education programs.
·         Publish health education materials, information papers, and grant proposals.
·         Develop health education curriculum.
·         Teach health in public and private schools.
Average Salary: $20,000 - $35,000
Educational Requirements:
Students should take college preparatory course during high school.
Health educators have, as a minimum, a bachelor’s degree in health education. Many have master’s degrees. To be certified or licensed to teach health in public schools requires a master’s degree and successful completion of a written exam in many states.

I wouldn't like too be a Health educator because that is not my plan or part of my goals.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"Good thoughts bear good fruit. Bad thoughts bear bad fruit"
James Allen 
If you do bad things karma gets you back. If you do good things good things will come back on it's time.

Genetic Counselor

                                                      Genetic Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities:
The duties and responsibilities in the genetic counselor are the interested in the field must complete a master’s degree program in genetic counseling. Due to the small number of accredited programs, graduate schools often have a highly selective admission process. Students can prepare for admission with undergraduate courses in chemistry, biology, genetics and psychology. Schools may a requirement strongly recommend paid or volunteer experience prior enrolling in the professional program.
Salary: $49,646 - $65,168
Bachelor's Degree: Applicants must have a bachelor's degree. Most applicants have a degree in a biological science. GPA of 3.0 is required from either a Bachelor's degree or other advanced degrees or coursework. An applicant must demonstrate strong academic success in basic sciences courses.

 I wouldn’t like to be a genetic counselor because it is boring and because it talks about science and I’m not really into science.