Life planning:5 minutes

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
  1. What i liked about this class is that we got to express our thoughts in our student success statements also the life planning I got a chance to write out the goals i have and things i want to achieve later on in life. I also liked that we had some free time.
  2. I didn't like that when someone would misbehave the whole class would get punished it was better how he use to do it before when only the student that was interrupting the class would get punished or sent to the back. 
  3. I don't think there's anything that has to be improved because he is very organized and he expresses everything correctly and clearly. 
  4. A highlight for me in this class was the excel i really like working with it and i really like learning new things and that's something that really caught my attention of how you can create all these charts and all the amazing things you can do in it. 
  5. Did i really do my best i feel like i could have given more but i was absent several times but the times that i was here i would always put all my effort into my work and i was enthusiastic most of the time when it would come to doing my classwork and reading my life planning goals at home. 
  6. My life planning goals is something really important because on there i have most of the goals i want to achieve some are for the future and some are for right now i tend to only accomplish some but it makes me want to be more successful like i want to try harder because i know i can accomplish all of them if i want to i just have to work hard and actually try my best.
  7. I'm committed to being a CTR person, because i make good choices not only in school but in my personal life ive gone through a lot and i've gone through really bad things like where i have friends that choose the wrong but i push those people away and i talk to them and if they don't listen then i tend to let go and say it's for my own good also at home i'm a very great daughter i choose the right i respect my parents and i do as i'm told. 
  8. Something i learned was that if you don't choose the right and you make the wrong mistakes it will continue and it won't get them anywhere in life. But if you choose the right you will succeed and great things will happen and you will go far in life like mr. Haymore said
  9. I will always remember to choose the right !!!! Never the wrong because you won't get far in life. It's sad but it's the truth. 

Last Lecture

Student Success Statement
“You will go far with CTR.”
Mr. Haymore
images (2).jpgIf you choose the right then you will go far in life, what haymore means by this is that he’s saying that if you always choose the right then you will succeed in life you will go far. Like if you make good choices all your life then it will lead you to great things because you’re obviously choosing the right. If you choose the right you should be expecting great things to happen in your life because you really deserve it. For example if you choose to do all your homework, study for all your tests , not procrastinating then you will do great in school. It also has to do with life choices if you want to mess up your life and choose the wrong for example your with a group of friends and you guys are just hanging out and all of a sudden someone says “let’s smoke, let’s have some fun stop being boring stop being miserable it will feel good trust me.” if you go along with it you will affect yourself and many other things it’s sad to think that there’s people out there that choose the wrong and think it’s only going to affect them it’s not you're affecting others if you choose the wrong not only your family but yourself. You have to also get rid of those friends that are trying to make you choose the wrong. The correct thing to do is leave right at the moment or just tell them no and if they keep bugging you just leave. Also if you continue to be there friend just tell them like if they want to still be friends they need to stop doing what they’re doing because it’s bad for them and because you’re their friend and you don’t want them to choose the wrong. Choosing the wrong in the real world won’t take you anywhere but jail or getting ignored by other people like when you want to get accepted somewhere or you want to be a part of some school or something they won’t feel sorry for you they will just tell you no they won’t care what your excuse is they will not accept anything. So try your best to not choose the wrong and always choose the right so you can get far in life. Because that’s all your family wants for you to get far in life.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Benjamin & Melissa
Benjamin is a blessing to Melissa because he saved her from being in debt with the school or with the becoming a nurse. This is something anyone wishes to get the girl Melissa got lucky that he offered that it’s like the best thing anyone can do for you because you are so caught up in bills and owing money in school and not being able to become something you want to become because you don’t have the money you need. Also she has a beautiful character and that’s why the old man Benjamin decided to help her out because it was for a good cause and not for something dumb and irrelevant or something that is bad. She would talk to him so nicely and also to other customers and they would have conversations and one day he decided that he wanted to help out and he gave her a “big tip.” Also he’s known as the giver or something like that because he gives out money because he use to earn a lot of money and it’s crazy how someone you don’t know can pay your bill for school it’s something very nice to do. It takes a lot for someone to say oh i’m going to help this person out it’s something not everyone would think about but this guy has a heart and so does the girl and that is the reason for the bill because she had a beautiful character.
Student Success Statement
Beautiful Character
“If there is beauty in character,
there will be harmony in the home,
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation,
If there is order in the nation,
there will will be peace in the world.
Conclusion: If there is beauty in character,
there will be peace in the world.
I think what this is trying to say is that if you
don’t have such a great character
then you are basically nothing because having
A beautiful character is the key to success
And if you don’t have a beautiful character
Then you won’t get very far in life Because it
brings you out it brings you the chance of
having recommendations about you being good person
And they will want you because if you have
beautiful character then that’s one bonus point of you
Because they mostly look for that people
that are good inside out and that have
a heart and are not going to lag it on them
Like if you have a very not so good character
your those people that tend to get somewhere
late when they say it you have to be there at a certain time.
But you need to have a beautiful character it will take you
Far in life. It’s also very beautiful if you have
a beautiful character you can show it off.It
sucks that it’s what sometimes at work that’s
all they look at is their character if they’re good and
If they have a great beautiful character because they know if they
Do then you will make work so much easier and there won’t be any problems.  
Current Health-Related
A current health related issue is cancer it’s something that is going on a lot right now.
This event is something that can cause a lot of pain and damage to your body no matter where you get it it’s most likely to make someone suffer. There is “home remedies” that they say that will help out and there’s a chance for you to get rid of it. This sometimes works better than someone having surgery. Some doctors decide to give the family a choice to let the person get “cured” with medicines or to stay the way they are with what they are going through or you can have surgery but they don’t recommend it for old people because they say it’s too risky. Also cancer is not a single disease. They say that scientist have found the cure to it but that they don’t pay attention to them. They say it’s meant to kill cancer cells any type of cells and that they will leave the healthy ones. This disease can be caused by anything and it sucks because you can get lung cancer but what if you aren’t doing bad things like smoking and you end up with lung cancer because of what you are breathing into your system.
Reflection: This Health related issue relates to me a lot because four of my family members have had this disease two passed away and one survived it. It’s something very hurtful because you wouldn’t want anyone to go through this it’s the saddest thing ever and it sucks so much. I really wish that this disease didn’t exist because it has ruined a lot of lives it has killed a lot of people who deserve to live. It’s something that really hurts me to hear for someone to say “ they have cancer” it sucks. I have a family member right now fighting breast cancer and we hope she recovers from it and it goes away because she’s a very great aunt , a great mom. It sucks that things tend to happen without you realizing what you did wrong in order to get that disease.