Life planning:5 minutes

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Current Health-Related
A current health related issue is cancer it’s something that is going on a lot right now.
This event is something that can cause a lot of pain and damage to your body no matter where you get it it’s most likely to make someone suffer. There is “home remedies” that they say that will help out and there’s a chance for you to get rid of it. This sometimes works better than someone having surgery. Some doctors decide to give the family a choice to let the person get “cured” with medicines or to stay the way they are with what they are going through or you can have surgery but they don’t recommend it for old people because they say it’s too risky. Also cancer is not a single disease. They say that scientist have found the cure to it but that they don’t pay attention to them. They say it’s meant to kill cancer cells any type of cells and that they will leave the healthy ones. This disease can be caused by anything and it sucks because you can get lung cancer but what if you aren’t doing bad things like smoking and you end up with lung cancer because of what you are breathing into your system.
Reflection: This Health related issue relates to me a lot because four of my family members have had this disease two passed away and one survived it. It’s something very hurtful because you wouldn’t want anyone to go through this it’s the saddest thing ever and it sucks so much. I really wish that this disease didn’t exist because it has ruined a lot of lives it has killed a lot of people who deserve to live. It’s something that really hurts me to hear for someone to say “ they have cancer” it sucks. I have a family member right now fighting breast cancer and we hope she recovers from it and it goes away because she’s a very great aunt , a great mom. It sucks that things tend to happen without you realizing what you did wrong in order to get that disease.

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