Life planning:5 minutes

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
  1. What i liked about this class is that we got to express our thoughts in our student success statements also the life planning I got a chance to write out the goals i have and things i want to achieve later on in life. I also liked that we had some free time.
  2. I didn't like that when someone would misbehave the whole class would get punished it was better how he use to do it before when only the student that was interrupting the class would get punished or sent to the back. 
  3. I don't think there's anything that has to be improved because he is very organized and he expresses everything correctly and clearly. 
  4. A highlight for me in this class was the excel i really like working with it and i really like learning new things and that's something that really caught my attention of how you can create all these charts and all the amazing things you can do in it. 
  5. Did i really do my best i feel like i could have given more but i was absent several times but the times that i was here i would always put all my effort into my work and i was enthusiastic most of the time when it would come to doing my classwork and reading my life planning goals at home. 
  6. My life planning goals is something really important because on there i have most of the goals i want to achieve some are for the future and some are for right now i tend to only accomplish some but it makes me want to be more successful like i want to try harder because i know i can accomplish all of them if i want to i just have to work hard and actually try my best.
  7. I'm committed to being a CTR person, because i make good choices not only in school but in my personal life ive gone through a lot and i've gone through really bad things like where i have friends that choose the wrong but i push those people away and i talk to them and if they don't listen then i tend to let go and say it's for my own good also at home i'm a very great daughter i choose the right i respect my parents and i do as i'm told. 
  8. Something i learned was that if you don't choose the right and you make the wrong mistakes it will continue and it won't get them anywhere in life. But if you choose the right you will succeed and great things will happen and you will go far in life like mr. Haymore said
  9. I will always remember to choose the right !!!! Never the wrong because you won't get far in life. It's sad but it's the truth. 

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